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TEAMWIN practitioners engage participants and make the most of the valuable time together by combining expert facilitation and the application of the TEAMWIN methodology, enabled by the following collaborative technology, experiential exercises, and survey-based decision tools.

Capturing, sharing and processing conversations in real time

Collaborator anchor

Alternative to the Post-It

No time to think and deliberately ask the hard questions? Frustrated by lack of progress made in endless meetings, workshops and conferences? Questions? Comments? Ideas? ... People can directly, anonymously and quickly capture their thoughts in face-to-face events of up to 1,000 people by using the TEAMWIN Collaborator - a portable kit of wireless netbooks, driven by innovative software, and intelligently used to enhance dialogue and debate without distracting the participants. A dream for introverts reticent to speak up, leaders wanting focus and creativity, experts delivering action research, and radicals agitating for change. 

Challenging and energising teams

Mat anchor

"Tell me I forget, Show me I remember

Involve me I understand"

- Chinese proverb

Fighting fires ... turf wars ... initiative overload? Losing quality time ... resources ... control ... clarity ... recognition? Condemned to repeat mistakes of the past? The TEAMWIN Mat Simulation allows people to discover practical, fresh insights into the issues at hand, and take a ‘test drive’ of effective collaboration. Creativity, energy and enthusiasm will be liberated to the benefit of those within the team and whom they serve. 

Balancing trade-offs in decision-making

Decision-making anchor

When stakes are high, and time is limited

Needing focus ... rigour ... objectivity ... or alignment in your decision-making? No clear-cut right or wrong answer? Struggling to discern voices worth listening to, and whom to influence? Cutting edge web-based tools will help decision-makers across all sectors find common ground. Aid workers confronting dilemmas can turn to their peers and deploy the TEAMWIN Decision-Navigator for help; business people can use scientific scenarios generated by the TEAMWIN Trade-off Analyser; both can use diplomacy, digital UX and stakeholder engagement modules to help foster greater discipline, collaboration, accountability and transparency in navigating today's volatile environment. 

Measuring what really matters and what can be influenced

Value as perceived by the customer or beneficiary

More for less ... inputs ... outputs ... outcomes? The TEAMWIN Value Matrix provides parties at key interfaces with an objective measurement system to: 1) measure project outcomes, deliverables at key interfaces, and the immediate impact of workshops and conferences, including quality of thinking (content) and motivation (clarity and commitment); 2) act as a powerful  motivator by ensuring ownership, simplicity, frequency and immediacy. 

Copyright © 2018 Beechwood International Ltd. 

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